Thursday, April 15, 2010

This is my life!!

These are just a couple more pictures that we took while we were at a fantastic little park.

We are all minus a few roommates but this is a pretty good representation of the B1 and B4 gang.

This was my favorite part of the park!

Michelle and I went to Wal-Mart and we were both quite happy with our purchases. I found Captain Crunch Oops All Berries and she found ones that only had the corn things in them. Together we could have made the real stuff but we like it separate much better.
There was an Institute dance on Friday night and the theme was "Stop Light". This is how it worked...
Yellow=In a relationship but it's complicated
Red=In a relationship
As you can see we went and decided to wear tie dye, yes we did think that we were pretty clever. When we walked in we couldn't help but laugh because by the way that everyone was dressed it looked like the theme was really St. Patrick's Day. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE was wearing green. The goal with this picture was to document how we felt about the situation and to put it lightly it wasn't good.

Our ward was in charge of cleaning the church on Saturday, this is Alyssa and I cleaning the classroom that we were assigned. She was in charge of vacuuming and I cleaned the chalkboard and took out the garbage.

They also fed us breakfast. We LOVE yogurt! :)

Heather and Alyssa decided that they were going to go for a run one day and Malerie, Michelle, and I decided that we didn't want to go running but instead that we would go get some ice cream. We went and got it but then when we got home we decided that we probably should get a little bit of exercise so we walked to campus and all around. Ya, we didn't want to use too much energy :)

While we were walking we found this great little vehicle. Malerie didn't want to climb in the back with us so she just took the picture. But, I think that the coolest part of this picture is the mountains that are reflected in the windows of the TSC here on campus.

We had combined Family Home Evening at the church and we learned how to dance the Mamba. Afterwards they fed us Fat Boys as Alyssa and Michelle were so kind to model for us.

Our Relief Society Meeting was a spa night that the ward put on for us and we got to relax and get away from our schoolwork. We all painted our fingernails, as you can see, except for Alyssa so she's was just showing off her cheese that she was eating. While we were there one of the ladies in our ward told an hysterical story about a creepy man at a dance club that is held on campus once a week. We were trying to imitate that look (hence the reason for the super creepy looks that we are trying to pull).