Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 2: Meaning of the Name of My Blog

My roommates and I tend to have super serious, deep conversations in the late hours of the night. Ok, not really we usually just laugh and laugh but who knows the difference! :) During one of our late night chats we were talking about how if someone saw how all of us acted all of the time they would think that we were ridiculous. One of my roommates said LIFE! and I said LIFE, this is mine and that's how it is. I then realized how great of a saying that was and have since have tried to bring that into my life more. Even though sometimes life isn't quite what I thought it would be or working out exactly how I wanted it to it's still my life and there's always some joy to be found.


Malerie and Bryan said...

I love our late night chats!! Well and our all day everyday chats. Especially first semester last year, Kera darling we were together all day!! :) I miss you girls. And it is true, Life may not always be how you would like it, but Life can be amazing!!

Anonymous said...

Love it!! Yes, it is your life and joy will be found even in the hardest of times :)